The International People’s Foundation for Social Transformation in the Islamic Republic of Iran is a non-governmental organization that firstly finds the country’s problems, issues and needs, with complete scientific methods; then plans and solves them through “people’s power”, with a mix of experience and the help of popular groups.
Five years ago, we established a popular foundation to combat the poverty, decadence, and devastation that we inherited from the years of colonialism and the long crimes committed against Iran, and to support the establishment of a path toward prosperity, with the help of a group of young volunteers from across the country. The goal of this popular institution was to move towards establishing a civilization and a new world order, which is a civilization that carries the slogan and goal of returning the earth to its true inhabitants, which will, according to the divine promise, be the seat of rule and sovereignty for the oppressed people.
Our outlook on social issues
As the colonial worldview focuses on eliminating all cultures and seeks to create one society, which is the global community or the global village based on the colonial outlook, we in this institution have reached the conclusion that identity is the most important principle and root of interaction and influence in society, which occurs through attention to the “neighborhood.” However, we do not mean neighborhood in its geographical sense, which includes a number of neighbors. Rather, the neighborhood is a cultural and social environment to which we all belong. Therefore, this is how we laid the foundations of this institution.