
  • International
  • People's
  • Foundation
  • Social
  • Transformation


In any movement and country where individuals enter the field, stand firm and resist, they achieve their goal. There is no debate about this matter, and the contrary has not been proven anywhere in history. (Sayyid Ali Khamenei, Leader of the Islamic Republic of Iran*)

* His Eminence is an educated, wise and anti-colonial leader in the world.

Mission Statement of the International Foundation for Social Transformation

It is a pioneering institution in the Islamic Republic of Iran, aiming to achieve progress and social justice and consciously address social weaknesses in the neighborhood. This is done by paving the way for people and a network of individuals who act as mediators to play their influential roles. By spreading this humanitarian thought in all countries in order to establish a multinational society that aims to Determining human destiny around the world…

International People's Foundation for Social Transformation

The International People’s Foundation for Social Transformation in the Islamic Republic of Iran is a non-governmental organization that firstly finds the country’s problems, issues and needs, with complete scientific methods; then plans and solves them through “people’s power”, with a mix of experience and the help of popular groups.

Five years ago, we established a popular foundation to combat the poverty, decadence, and devastation that we inherited from the years of colonialism and the long crimes committed against Iran, and to support the establishment of a path toward prosperity, with the help of a group of young volunteers from across the country. The goal of this popular institution was to move towards establishing a civilization and a new world order, which is a civilization that carries the slogan and goal of returning the earth to its true inhabitants, which will, according to the divine promise, be the seat of rule and sovereignty for the oppressed people.

Our outlook on social issues

As the colonial worldview focuses on eliminating all cultures and seeks to create one society, which is the global community or the global village based on the colonial outlook, we in this institution have reached the conclusion that identity is the most important principle and root of interaction and influence in society, which occurs through attention to the “neighborhood.” However, we do not mean neighborhood in its geographical sense, which includes a number of neighbors. Rather, the neighborhood is a cultural and social environment to which we all belong. Therefore, this is how we laid the foundations of this institution.

Principles and policies

Achieving accurate knowledge of the community with which we will deal.

Addressing the important issues and avoiding hasty steps.

Paying attention to the possibilities and opportunities available among the neighbors of the Islamic Republic of Iran.

Paying attention to the network vision and external powers, in addition to paying attention to local powers within the framework of creating transformation in the region.

Populism and non-subordination (in establishment, decision-making and initiative) of government institutions.

Cooperation at the highest levels with governmental institutions with a common direction while maintaining the principle of populism.

Striving to strengthen people and encourage them to take action.

Planning activities and routing based on the local transformation of each geographical area.

Paying attention to customs and traditions and understanding social traditions and their uses in plans and initiatives.

“The centrality of the family” and “the centrality of the neighborhoods” in dealing with issues.

The “spiritual outlook” in planning, organizing and implementing operations.

The tasks of this institution within the Islamic Republic of Iran

Identify and monitor regional issues
Establishing groups to bring about transformation
Training people in the regions and upgrading their capabilities
Introducing new knowledge in order to bring about transformation
Creating networks and launching actions

The injustice of colonialism and its social and cultural harms

Over the long years of war, sanctions, and injustice against the only country, that claims independence - in the sense of true human dignity - dilemmas have emerged for the people of my land and my country. Although the percentage and number of these damages were very small compared to the population and dilemmas in the Western world, for a society working to establish civilization again, a civilization of defending the oppressed and combating arrogance, this small percentage was very harsh on the Iranian people and they were unable to withstand it.
We had to do something.

Some of the steps taken by people-based institution

Synthesizing the necessary knowledge and sciences in order to bring about transformation and defining the method of addressing various issues and dilemmas

Coverage of 330 neighborhoods in 31 provinces of the Islamic Republic of Iran

Design and manufacture the software systems necessary to identify the range of issues and potentials of neighborhoods

Compose the necessary content within specialized research groups

Launching a special platform for following up on family affairs

Creating a real method for preventing - fighting - treating, preserving and strengthening individuals afflicted by drug addiction.

Conducting various in-person and virtual training in the field of social vulnerabilities and damages.

Supporting all popular groups and organizations active in the field of social weaknesses and damages.

Planning the evaluation system and indicators

Creating understandings with higher institutions

Mediating between people, popular activist groups, the administration and the government



Several specialized tables were established for scientific planning and presenting precise solution paths for implementation. The responsibility of these specialized tables is to gather the experiences, science and groups active in a specific topic.
The aforementioned tables will be a basis for addressing a wide range of social problems and issues.
The specialized tables address issues such as: education, culture and art, health, family, addiction, sports, entrepreneurship, media, spiritual morals, street children, and deal with broad social scopes at the community level and address livelihood, scientific and educational affairs.

Specialized tables, wide ranges of transformation

Between the years 1916 and 1919 AD, a major catastrophe occurred within less than 3 years, in a place in the world that witnessed one of the three most important, most authentic, and oldest civilizations in the world; more than 10 million people died because of a drought created by one of the human rights advocates!
Because of a drought created by a British politician and military man, more than 10 million innocent and oppressed people died in the worst possible manner. These were the people of the ancient civilization of my country and my land, Iran, which you know today as “Islamic Republic of Iran.”

Back to civilization
In the year 1979, the people of Iran intensified their fight against colonialism, which they had launched 15 years earlier. Under the leadership of a free man called Ruhollah Khomeini, they succeeded in achieving independence and reestablishing the ancient Iranian civilization and a powerful country called the Islamic Republic of Iran. This republic established solely by the Iranian people and without firing a single shot. A country was established in which the “people” formed all its foundations.
However, European and American politicians, false advocates of freedom, and supporters of liberalism were unable to tolerate these conditions, and the result was injustice, sanctions, and wars on the people of a country that wanted nothing more than to free itself from the burden of colonialism.

The story of a crime

It is our pleasure to communicate with international popular groups like you, but we will never ever forget.
No, we will never ever forget that somewhere close to us, in a place close to the Mediterranean Sea, and in full view of Europe, which claims civilization and humanity, in recent months more than 8,000 children and tens of thousands of innocent people have been killed by huge missiles and with the utmost brutality.
Enter the search engines now; search the word “Gaza”...
We are establishing international cooperation relations for the liberation of Palestine, so far in we have found many friends around the world, and we invite you to participate in this humanitarian project.

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International cooperation to combat injustice


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